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Division 2: Martagon Hybrids



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martagon lily stand

Family: Liliaceae

Above: stand of mystery cultivars, Below: reddish flower Use: beds, borders, woodlands, meadows
martagon lily flower

Plant: perennial bulb to 5'. Basal rooting only.

Origin: Eurasian mountains and wooded valleys

: 4 - 9

: spicy fragrant, turk's cap lily. Mature plants can produce over thirty flowers in late spring. Buds decorative.

Foliage: simple leaves arranged in whorls on the stem emerge early

: sun to dappled shade in alkaline soil. Tolerates heavy clay. Disease resistant. 'Marhan' and 'Mrs. R. O. Backhouse' are popular cultivars. 2008, Last Updated August 5, 2008