News & Notes from the mind of Moss. As always please send questions, critiques, and amens to
Title |
Description |
March 19 - review of a few recent and classic films |
March 12 - the battle against the rabbits and voles has forced me to shift my gardening plans |
March 6 - The winter assault of the rabbits punished my unprotected shrubs and semi-evergreen perennials. |
March 4 - A review of the Gospel of John following the Sunday School lessons from Majority Baptist Church |
March 4 - A review of the Gospel of John following the Sunday School lessons from Majority Baptist Church |
February 28 - After nearly 36 months, frigid temps halt our bloomin' streak. |
February 22 - A harmless commentary on the style of the veep. All in fun...really. No need to investigate me. |
February 20 - A quick assessment of our community garden |
February 20 - Once again the Corsican hellebore buds were did not survive the winter. It is time for a new strategy. |
February 19 - After a brutally cold past few weeks, 30 degrees F feels like summer. |
February 17 - Unsolicited advice for the Dems as they hastily push for |
February 16 - Members of the daffodil family, like the clivia, are rarely eaten by pests because of their biochemistry. |
February 13 - While a mini-blizzard howls outside, the tropical dracaena is in full bloom perfuming the house. |
February Woes |
February 7th - Temps, Bears, and the plight of Inuit culture got me down. But Prince, pleasant federal employees, and dracena blossoms cheered me up. |

Winter's Back |
February 5th - Old Man Winter Returns. Winter has arrived in earnest with dangerously cold temps, including a high of -3 (that's right negative three degrees Fahrenheit) yesterday. |

50 Years Later |
January 30th - A young woman recreates Kenneth Clark's experiment 50 years later with the same sad results. Racism will never be defeated but it can be tempered through dialogue and honesty.

Freeing the Transformers |
January 24th - I'm freeing my Transformers collection. 2007 is the year of clearing out the old and reducing materialism. So goodbye Optimus, Jazz, Hound, Starscream, Thrust, Galvatron, Jetfire, Omega Supreme, Bruticus, Scorponok, Piranacon, etc... I'll see you in the highly anticipated Transformers live action movie this summer.

Mrs. Kathleen Joan Kearney |
January 22nd - Our friend Mrs. Kathleen Joan Kearney passed away last week. She was a wife, mother, gardener, rock collector, toy designer, dress designer, interior decorator, and master jam maker. She was an inspiration and she will be missed. |

Wacky Winter |
January 16th - Yet another unusual winter. Snowdrops and hellebores are blooming. Tulips, crocuses, and netted iris are poking out the ground. |

Big 10 Report |
January 12th - The winter of discontent has descended upon the Big 10. A 2-5 bowl record with blowout BCS losses has us shaken. Clearly the blame falls to the lousy coaches for failing to prepare their teams. Troy Smith lost millions of dollars plus respect. And Michigan has not won a bowl game since they invented the chin-strap. |

Continuous Bloom |
January 8th - The blooming streak continues. For nearly 3 years we have had something flowering every month at our community garden. |