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The gardening season is in full swing. If you are just beginning expect some mistakes and setbacks. Remember the journey is as important as the destination. The experience you gain this year will make you a better gardener next year.


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Monarch Butterfly on Milkweed Plant Get Ideas & inspiration for colorful patios


Greenology: Greenway Grazing
I read about urban grazing in an old magazine.  During WW1 President Wilson replaced the expensive White House lawn equipment with a flock of sheep.  The proceeds from the wool went to local charities.  Being green, saving green, and making green: the trifecta! Read more

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Kitchen Gardening is small scale edible gardening. A few containers or a small plot right outside the kitchen door to help compliment and season meals.

Check out the Summer Blooms, June plants and the July plants for some gardening inspiration.


William in Action

Eat What You Grow! Catch this clip for some quick tips on growing a veggie garden in and around your home.

video link kitchen gardening 

Get Out & Grow With William Moss....
and be inspired to interact with nature and your community to enhance your helath, connectivity, and joy.































