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Longest Bloom: Gaillardia 'Frenzy'



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gaillardia frenzy and sweet tater foliage

Above: Gaillardia Frenzy in bloom

Gaillardia Frenzy and Tizzy bloomed from May when they arrived by mail til December. Actually they were placed in a protected cold frame in December and when I got back from Christmas vacation in January there were still a few blooms but the plant was the worst for the wear. I just cut them back at the beginning of February.

It was hard to tell Frenzy from Tizzy during peak bloom. Both resembled tiny pincushions with a row of colorful bugles surrounded them. They were a reddish orange that jumped out against the lush green of the sweet tater foliage. Bumblebees visited everyday. The flowers kept me deadheading twice a week, but even when I missed a week or two, they just kept blooming.

Also worthy of mentioning is a weedy aster that popped up in the Kentucky coffee tree container (pot5) and bloomed throughout autumn.


lychnis coronaria blooms

Left: 2nd Place winner - Lychnis coronaria - Mrs. Sarah's pinks.

We took some of these plants from Mrs. Sarah's garden in 2000. She was tickled and warned us that it was an aggressive seeder. She was right. It seeds everywhere, but brilliant fuchsia color, the hoary silvery foliage, and the profusion of bloom make it a welcome addition.

It starts in mid spring with the alliums, reaches its peak in June with the irises, and still shines with the lilies. Although it volunteers, pinks are not invasive and only sprout were the ground is bare. 2009, Last Updated February 10, 2009