In many ways asters are the perfect perennials. They thrive on neglect. In general, asters are tolerant of most soil conditions. They only need part sun to shine. The little star-like flowers can cover the entire plant for months. And fortunately for the gardener asters flaunt their beauty as most other plants are senescing for the year. No garden should be without asters.
Aster novi-belgii 'Milka' is a great variety for small space gardeners. Unlike many of the species it stays put and doesn't spread or seed about. I love 'em, but here in Chicago many species are extremely vigorous (Curtis aster, big leaf aster, smooth aster, woodland aster, aromatic aster, etc., and their natural hybrids). If I didn't constantly pull seedlings and take divisions they would overwhelm my gardens with their fall beauty. Milka doesn't present that problem. It is well-mannered and its fluffy, sterile blossoms last from mid fall to early winter. Ask for it by name. You will love it. (If you have rabbit problems, cage it or plant the distasteful Raydon's Favorite instead.)
Left: 2nd Place winner - Asclepias tuberosa: Butterflyweed. Tough plant from mixed and short-grass prairies. Tolerates or even prefers dry conditions.
I always thought of this plant as a high quality perennial until I spent the summer of 2005 in Missouri. There it is a highway weed lighting up the roadside with bright oranges, yellows, and reds.
Like all Asclepias (milkweeds) it has a mutually beneficial relationship with Monarch butterflies and they will come visit. Easy to grow from seed. |