Witch hazel companions:
Witch hazels are woodland shrubs and any plant suited for the woodland habitat is a good compliment.
Companion canopy trees include: oak, maple, elm, ash, and linden. Remember that maples and lindens cast deep shade and have numerous aggressive surface roots, so do not plant to close to them.
Companion small trees and shrubs include: serviceberry, redbud, dogwood, crabapple, hawthorn, magnolia, rhododendron, and viburnum. Tall, dark evergreens, like holly, yew, and hemlock, provide a contrasting backdrop for the yellow leaves and flowers of witch hazel. Small conifers like weeping hemlocks and dwarf firs combine well with the open, loose form of witch hazels.
Companion perennials include: hellebore, trillium, lily, daffodil, crocus, scilla, solomons seal, wild hyacinth, anemone, hepatica, jack-in-the-pulpit, bleeding heart, fumewort, turtlehead, woodland sunflower, aster, coral bells, phlox, hosta, and sedges.